Donna Guilloux
Energy Psychology & Emotional Literacy
Welcome! I'm Donna, a Personal Development Counselor leading my clients of all ages to unfold and express their full potential through emotional literacy and vibrational therapies.
I guide my clients to build or regain their self-confidence, overcome anxiety and negative behaviors, improve their response to chronic stress, mainly through psycho-corporal techniques like EFT (Tapping,) EMDR, Brain Gym, and other methods from Energy Psychology.
Work with me
I offer tools and strategies for personal development so you can better understand your emotions and manifest your best Self.

I leverage 15+ years of counseling experience to offer individual or group sessions in which I integrate my knowledge of EFT (Tapping), EMDR exercises, and Energy Psychology to guide children, parents, and individuals to improve self-confidence, develop better relationships, and better manage their emotions.
Sessions for adults and children
Individual and group
In person or Online (Zoom)
French and English