About Donna Guilloux
Coaching is a process of enhancing human potential. It's a journey towards more freedom and autonomy. "We often believe we are prisoners of our reality when we are only prisoners of the way we think our reality."​
I'm Donna Guilloux, I am originally from Tahiti, French Polynesia, and today I live in Miami with my family. Ever since I was a child, I have always been passionate about personal development. At 12, I left my native island and my whole family to follow my mother in her new life. This parting with my country and the separation from my family was hard to assimilate. Later in my life, I realized how thankful I am that this traumatic event for the young girl I was, changed my life forever, in a positive way.
Every step of the way, life has a lesson for us, some that we are thankful for, mostly when the path is difficult. Everything that we go through is worth it.
We are what we resonate with, we are what we do, we are what we give, and we are what we tell. And the more we'll accept ourselves completely, the more authentic we will be.
Happiness, like emptiness, comes from inside. One can decide what to experience and manifest.

Professional Experience & Working Standards
I have been coaching individuals, couples, and groups since 2005 in London, Istanbul, Marseille, and Miami
I have 15 years of experience in Energy Psychology
I volunteered sessions for women registered in a non-profit organization in France for five years. Women and kids are close to my heart
I speak English and French
I am positive, caring, and goal-oriented person
I work in complete confidentiality with my clients
I know the limits of my profession
I have a mentor
Professional Training
Touch for Health Kinesiology and Educational Kinesiology certification Toulon, France 2005
NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming training Aix-en-Provence, France 2010
Enneagram the 9 profile types Certification Aix-en-Provence, France 2011
Coach and Team Certification Paris, France 2013 (Transactional analysis, the autonomy cycle, social relationship in chaos)
The Grammar of Emotions certification with Isabelle Filliozat Aix en Provence, France 2015 (psychologist expert in the field of positive parenting and happy couples)
Energy Psychology Certification California, USA 2020 (E.F.T/ T.A.T./Quick Coherence Technique/ Eco-Meditation/ E.M.D.R.)
Certified level 1-2 Flower remedy from Dr Bach, Belgique 2023 I.E.M.N

Dr Bach® Flower Essence
Do you know Dr Bach® flowers essences ?
Flower therapy, or flower remedy, is a form of complementary and alternative medicine. Flowers have a healing vibrational energy.
Everything is energy - Albert Einstein.
Dr. Bach was an English physician, homeopath, and bacteriologist who developed a system of 38 flower remedies to help people overcome their negative emotions and improve their overall well-being. The remedies are made from the flowers of wild plants and trees, and each remedy corresponds to a specific emotional state, such as fear, insecurity, or anger. The remedies are taken orally and help to bring balance to the emotional body.
I like to work with Dr Bach® flowers and lead you to explore the potential benefits of flower essences, and how to use them.